Sedation Dentistry
Be Completely Relaxed During Your Visit
Sedation Dentistry
Studies show that 30% of the population avoids the dentist due to fear. Sedation dentistry provides a safe and comfortable experience for them to get the care they need and want.
Imagine being completely relaxed during your visit with us while painlessly having years of work done in just one or two visits. Our goal is to alleviate any anxiety you may have about your treatment.
The protocols utilized in sedation dentistry can be customized to the your anxiety level and medical history allowing you an incredibly comfortable, relaxing and safe experience. Your visit to our office will be one of total comfort.
If you would like to schedule a complementary consultation click here.
Dr. Cameron is the only dentist in Johnson City to have achieved a Fellowship in the Dental Organization for Conscious Sedation.
Imagine being completely relaxed during your visit with us while painlessly having years of work done in just one or two visits. Our goal is to alleviate any anxiety you may have about your treatment.
The protocols utilized in sedation dentistry can be customized to the your anxiety level and medical history allowing you an incredibly comfortable, relaxing and safe experience. Your visit to our office will be one of total comfort.
If you would like to schedule a complementary consultation click here.
Dr. Cameron is the only dentist in Johnson City to have achieved a Fellowship in the Dental Organization for Conscious Sedation.
We value your time at Sophisticated Smiles; we have taken great strides to make it convenient for you to contact us.