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Bad Breath Could Be More Than Meets the Nose

Wednesday, May, 1, 2024

You brush twice a day, floss regularly, and even use mouthwash. However, your bad breath persists. Regardless of how hard you fight it off you just can’t seem to get rid of it.

Bad Breath Could Be a Sign

According to your dentist in Johnson City It might be tempting to dismiss it as a minor annoyance, but chronic bad breath, also known as halitosis, could be a sign of an underlying health issue.

Here’s why you shouldn’t ignore bad breath and why seeking professional help from Sophisticated Smiles in Johnson City could be the answer.

Beyond the Mint: Understanding the Cause of Bad Breath

While poor oral hygiene is a common culprit for bad breath, it’s not the only one. Dr Angela Cameron explains that certain foods like garlic and onions can leave a temporary odor. Medical conditions like diabetes, sinus infections, or even acid reflux can also contribute to your chronic bad breath.

The Importance of Early Bad Breath Detection

Ignoring chronic halitosis can have serious consequences. It can not only affect your confidence in social settings but could also indicate a health concern that needs attention.

Early detection is the key. Your Johnson City local dentist can help diagnose the source of the problem and recommend appropriate treatment.

Finding the Right Dentist in Johnson City

Fortunately, you have access to excellent dental care in Johnson City. Sophisticated Smiles with Dr. Cameron Clark, is a reputable practice known for its patient-centered approach.

Dr. Clark and the rest of the team are dedicated to providing comprehensive dental care, including addressing chronic bad breath.

What to Expect During Your Appointment

During your appointment at Sophisticated Smiles, Dr. Clark will conduct a thorough examination to determine the cause of your bad breath. This may involve a review of your medical history, a physical examination of your mouth, and potentially some diagnostic tests.

Once the cause is identified, Dr. Clark will discuss treatment options with you, which could range from improved oral hygiene practices to addressing underlying medical conditions.

Taking Control of Your Oral Health

Don’t let halitosis hold you back. Schedule an appointment with Sophisticated Smiles.

By prioritizing your oral health, you can not only freshen your breath but also take a proactive step towards your overall well-being and overall health.

Call and schedule an appointment. Your oral and overall health will thank you for it. Call and schedule a dental appointment in Johnson City with Sophisticated Smiles today.


Sophisticated Smiles